I can’t believe another semester of school has come and gone. This semester has definitely been the most trying one so far. I felt a little overwhelmed at times with having to juggle both work and school and wished I had more time to just relax and just not have anything to do. For a while, I was concerned about my grade in math which at times it felt like I was just not grasping the material. (I really hate graphing and functions.) When I was in class it would all make sense but then when it came time to doing it on my own I would be at a loss. Not so much because I didn’t understand but because I just had a lack of interest in the material and don’t even get me started with the math lab. I know it’s there to help but it feels like more of an inconvenience with time I could be using for something more constructive besides using it as a place to do math homework (sorry Fullerton College). However, I feel I did well on the final. It seemed to all click and I was like “I know this stuff!” there was only like 3 or 4 problems on graphing. (Thank God). In other classes, (mainly my Admin of Justice classes) I feel are just regurgitating the same information semester after semester just under different class titles. I feel like I have been losing interest in it and have been seriously thinking about changing my major. It seems at times like I’ve learned all there is to be taught in the subject yet still more classes are needed to fulfill the requirements for a degree. I have been debating about maybe trying to pursue a more scientific aspect of criminal justice such as forensic science. The only problem I see is that more math classes would be required. I have a love/hate relationship with math. Sometimes I love it and its fun like factoring and logarithms - like solving a puzzle. Then other times it feels like why the hell do I need to know how to graph parabolas and hyperboles? Can’t I just write an essay instead? I definitely like reading and writing more than arithmetic. To add more struggles to my academic woes is the fact that I was not able to register for 2 classes I was hoping to take during the summer session. I tried to register and waitlists for both classes were filled. I don’t know how an online class gets full I guess too many students equals too many exams too grade? I guess it’s kind of a good thing though. I can spend the summer on focusing on trying to seriously find a job more closely related to major. I have to commute to work and I am getting tired of working there. It’s been 5 years too long for a thankless dead end job. I think I’m finally ready to let go and jump into the career field I actually want to be in.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Dumb Signs
Today I saw an interesting banner hanging nearby where I work. The banner appeared to be a public service announcement about "break-ins”. Perhaps burglaries are on the rise in the area? All that was on the banner was the phrase "Lock It or Lose It" in large letters. Underneath that it said, "A message brought to you by the LAPD". It reminds me of the slogan for the seatbelt law "Click It or Ticket". I really hate those stupid signs. I understand that it's important to wear a seatbelt and be safe but I think the way they go about shoving it down our throats is obnoxious. However, I don't think it should be a requirement to wear a seatbelt. Especially if I’m just gonna drive down the street to get some Taco Bell or something. It's not really a big deal to have to wear one. The only time I don’t wear it is usually because I just forgot to put on not on purpose, but I should still have the option to not wear one if I want to. Same goes with using cell phones and texting in the car. I am constantly tinkering on my phone all the time even in my car. I’m not saying it’s necessarily something we should do but if you can do it safely why should it matter? Again, I understand how it can be good and protect us from distractions and make us more aware as drivers but I don't think the behavior inside my car should or needs to be regulated. Next they're gonna outlaw IPods and changing radio stations while driving. Where will it end?
Anyways, with this new sign "Lock It or Lose It" It seems that they’re pointing the finger solely at the owner of the vehicle or house or whatever. The criminal is helpless to stop his urges and it suggests, to me anyways, that by the simple act of not locking the doors you somehow are at fault for having your property burglarized. “You had to know!!” as my friends used to say. Simply locking a door is not gonna stop a criminal from doing criminal acts. I have had several cars that were broken into numerous times and had my doors locked only to find a window shattered and my CDs stolen and stereo missing. While it is my fault for leaving my stuff in the car the fact that the doors being locked to didn’t stop them. Locking the door is obviously common sense and a good way to detour criminal activity but I know from first-hand experience that a locked door isn't going to stop most criminals. The sign should be more geared to saying make sure your valuables are not left in the car or in plain view. That would make more sense and probably lower the numbers of break-ins.
One other thing I wanna point out has to do with the freeway signs that say things like “click it or ticket”. I find it very useful when it displays the estimated times to the next major interchanges. That is so helpful! However I cannot stand when the signs display crap like “Share the Road Check Twice for Motorcycles”. No!!! I’m not the one driving like an asshole speeding, swerving, switching lanes, cutting people off, splitting lanes and driving like an idiot. I really hate that I have to be the one to look out for the bonehead motorcyclists. Maybe the reckless and dangerous driving behavior I witness on almost a daily basis and the protection of only a helmet and jacket is the cause to so many deaths.
Anyways I digress. I just think some street signs are funny.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
My Top 10 Movies
Like I promised and like I know all the followers of this blog have impatiently been anticipating I am continuing my Top 10 themed posts with my top 10 14 favorite movies of all time. This list was much harder to compile that my top 10 albums list. I am sucker for comedies and those dominate my list but there are a few dramas that are near the top. It was hard to pick single movies so I divided a lot of them into genres/groups. So don't judge me if the list contains more than 10 movies (14 in total).
#11 - The Lion King
This is hands down my favorite Disney movie. My favorite animated movie too. A lot of people say it’s just a rip off of Bambi but I don’t care it’s still good (besides the fact that that is kinda true). The animation is so good and is one of the first animated movies to integrate computer animation into the movie. The plot and story however are what make this movie so good. I remember in high school my Animation teacher would tell us that it didn’t matter how great the animation or artwork was it was all about the story and she was right.
#10 – Stoner Movies
The list starts off with a 3 way tie for 10th place. All 3 of these movies I saw with my good friend Anthony in the theatres. They have become classics to me and all have a similar premise about stoner friends trying to find something (i.e. their car or the nearest White Castle). I can pop these in anytime and still enjoy them like it’s the first time seeing it.
#9 – Chevy Chase Movies
#9 also features a tie. Chevy Chase was awesome in the 80’s and these are also two of my favorite movies that just so happen to feature him. I like pretty much all the Vacation movies but the original is still the best. I can’t really remember a time in my life before either of these movies were a part of it. My mom was a big influence on me with these movies too because she loves them too and they always remind of good times.
This could have fit in with Stoner movies but to me it seems this movie is more substantial and has more of a plot even though it’s basically about 2 guys just hanging out on the porch smoking weed but whatever. I guess I like the fact that it doesn’t seem like you’re watching a movie. It feels like your just watching two friends hanging out and it doesn’t seem like they’re acting. It’s like watching a documentary of reality… not really but I do like this movie. The sequels are awful though… especially the 3rd one...
#7 - Duel
This movie is supposed to be a suspense thriller, but with the cheesy acting of lead actor Dennis Weaver it comes across as almost comical. This is actually Steven Spielberg’s directorial debut but you wouldn’t know it if you saw it. This movie reminds me of being a kid and how my mom would always make fun of how cheesy this movie is and I love that we both could laugh at it together. There’s another movie with him as a coke addict that I saw a long time ago that is supposed to be serious but comes across comical too. I want to see it again but I haven’t been able to find it yet because it was made for TV movie.
#6 - Ace Ventura
I almost forgot about this movie and how funny it was until I saw on TV this past weekend. I used to watch it every weekend and memorized like every line. It was a big hit in our family. I remember that my uncle even made a video parody of the opening scene where he's pretending to be a UPS man. I wonder what ever happened to that video.
#5 - Boyz N The Hood
I think this is the only movie in my top 10 list that I do not own. I should be ashamed. I really like this movie a lot and every time I see it I’m always hoping Ricky doesn’t get shot and killed but he always ends up dying!! L It never gets any easier and I always tear up a little.
#4 - Man on Fire
This movie is so good! It has everything drama, action, love, and suspense. Denzel Washington rules in this movie about revenge and justice who plays a bodyguard for a little girl who gets kidnapped. I originally never had any special interest in seeing this movie when it came out but all my friends told about how good it was and so I finally saw it and I was blown away. All I can say is that it’s so good!!! Creasy Bear and Pita!!!
#3 - Forrest Gump
This is another one of those movies that I could just watch anytime and still be entertained. It has a great soundtrack and so many memorable quotes and scenes. I saw this in the movie theater with my mom and I liked it even then when I was like 12 or 13 probably. I don’t know what else to say about it because everyone I know has seen it so if you haven’t then I guess you hate America or maybe just freedom.
#2 - Fargo
Coen Brothers movies are pretty fantastic. I just recently saw The Big Lebowski for the first time and I didn’t even know that it was one of their movies until I saw it. Fargo is great though. I love the dark comedy, crazy plot, William H. Macy and Francis McDormett in this movie. Steve Buscemi is always a delight too. Oh yah?
and #1 is.....
I love Quentin Tarantino movie like Kill Bill, Reservoir Dogs and Jackie Brown but this is easily my favorite. I love how the movies always start with the ending and then backtrack from the beginning to show how it got to that point. I also like the funny dialogue that is always inserted too. Like in Reservoir Dogs you’re like what the hell are they talking about at first then you find out their discussing which Madonna album they like. I wish he’d make more movies though. I did hear they’re making a Kill Bill 3 which would be weird because Bill got killed in part 2 so I don’t know how the plot would continue…
So there you have it. I wasn't going to add "The Lion King" but I would have been lying if I said that it wasn't one of my all time favorites so I had to add it in at number 11 or you could just say this is my top 14. This post has inspired me to do one final list. Top 10 TV shows! I enjoy making lists and being weird so you're just gonna have to put up with it. Until next time....
Sunday, May 15, 2011
My Top 10 Albums
I’m kind of a dork when it comes to my music and am constantly on iTunes rearranging and re-categorizing my songs. I like to make playlists with funny names like “Slappin’ Da Bass” which feature songs with a lot of bass inspired by the movie I Love You, Man or modeled after actual radio stations. My current project involves removing all the crappy songs I have on my IPod or songs off albums I have but don’t like or care about. Sometimes I’ll download a greatest hits CD even though the artist has only 1 good song. I figure one day I will give the album a chance or if I’m bored or something I’ll give it a listen. I’m kind of a hoarder with music because typically I’ll never listen to it. Even today I was going through it and decided it was time to finally delete Red Hot Chili Peppers off my IPod because I really have an irrational disdain for them. Then as I was going through the tracks and I was like this one is ok….that one I used to like….this one is cool…and before you know it I decide not to delete any of them. I have this crazy idea that if by chance someone were to get a hold of my IPod they would be impressed that I had such a variety of music and if they wanted to listen to it they would be satisfied with the array of choices. (These are actually thoughts that I have had.)
So what’s the point of all this you ask? Well like I mentioned I like to categorize and organize my music and make lists. So with that being said I have decided to let the world know what my top 10 favorite albums of all time are and why? So without further adieu here it is:
#10 – Genesis – Duke
As long as I can remember I have always been a huge Phil Collins fan. I don't really know where the obsession started from I remember listening to this album religiously before my little league baseball games. I guess it pumped me up even though the album is rather mellow and what I consider one of the original "emo" genre albums but that's just my opinion and I just got hooked on the genre of heartache and breakup.
#9 – Copeland – Beneath Medicine Tree
Continuing on the journey is this gem that almost went unnoticed by me. My good friend Shaun and I were driving at night - probably on one of our many roadtrips - and he put on this cd. Its very melodic and beautiful and I fell in love it with almost immediately.
#8 – Taking Back Sunday – Tell All Your Friends
Another album introduced to me by Shaun was this one. At first, I didn't know what to think about it because it was good but it didn't seem that special. But after persistent listening of this album over and over again in the car I soon became hooked. It was kind of like in the movie Easy A where she gets the musical birthday card from her grandma and shes like eww! I hate this song. Then by the end of the weekend shes singing outloud and makes it her ringtone. Now it reminds of the days of when we were in a band and we thought we would rule the world. Just reminds me of the good times.
#7 – Fall Out Boy – Take This To You Grave
Before they were on the radio and Pete Wentz was all over TMZ there was this album. Say what you may about this band but I really love their first album. Even till this day I can still listen to this record and enjoy the good pop-punk music this album delivers. I remember seeing them at Chain Reaction in Anaheim before they blew up. It was one of the funnest shows I ever went to.
#6 – Static Lullaby - …And Don’t Forget to Breathe
This album is the only one that may seem out of place. This is more of a hardcore/screamo album but I was hooked since the first listen. I used to have to have music on when I showered and one time I popped in this CD that I downloaded trying to discover new music. Immediately I was blown away. I don't really know what it was about it I just thought it was gnarly and I couldnt get enough of it. It also has an awesome song "Annunciate While You Masticate" that I play when I am mad and helps me to vent my rage so I can be normal, relaxed Gabe.
#5 – 2pac – All Eyez on Me
I couldn't make a top 10 list without mentioning 2pac. Undoubtedly the best rapper of all time (don't say Jay-Z or Biggie!!) It's hard to choose one album by this lyrical genius but if I had to choose one this would be it hands down! I never tire from hearing music from this guy. Its just so classic. I can relate to the "thuglife" so well...
#4 – The Get Up Kids – Something To Write Home About
This is another emo gem. This cd was influential that I played one of the songs for Shaun when I tried out for the band. I was in my room and played it through the phone and he could tell right away what I was playing. Also the line "Don't Worry I'll Catch You" the title I used on my yahoo profile caught the eye of my not then wife came from a song on this awesome album.
#3 – Say Anything - …is a Real Boy
This is more recent edition but has easily become one of my favorite CDs of all time. On first listen I thought the singer was a bit strange with his sarcastic and subtle singing style. I soon however feel in love with this album too. Everyone I have told about this band has too become fans including my wife and have gone to several shows. Their newest self-titled album is pretty amazing too but this one is classic.
#2 – Saves the Day – Stay What You Are
Another great album that goes hand in hand with Say Anything. The bands have toured together and even made a side project featuring members of both bands called Two Tongues. Now diehard fans will probably say that "Through Being Cool" is their best album but I disagree. That is a good album but I can't get enough of this one. Their follow up albums "In Reverie" is also amazing as well as "Under the Boards". It was hard to choose just one. I am really a huge fan of this band but this one just has so many memories for me. I listened to this album religiously when I used to work at Catalina Express a million years ago and just brings back memories of days gone by.
And my #1 is (this is my list so I don’t care if you agree):
Blink 182 – Enema of the State
Now I love everything Blink-182 and Tom Delonge in particular so my real top 10 would contain nothng but Blink-182 albumss but this is the album that started that obsession for me. I listened to this album every morning on my CD walkman when I would ride my bike to high school. It's also just a great summer album to listen to and reminds me of the innocence of my youth hahaha.
So there you have it . Even after putting that together I still feel like it could use a few tweeks. Like Rubber Soul by the Beatles but that band is so universal that almost everyone likes them so that seemed like a wasted space.
Coming soon top 10 movies!!!!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
J-30 and the Million Dollar Idea$
There’s an ongoing joke that my wife and I have about a particular type of car. I think it started one day when we were discussing that luxury cars never have fun names like the Honda Fit or Mitsubishi Lancer (cars we had) they just letters and numbers like Lexus GS430 or BMW 325i. Like why not choose names that are more fun and mean something. Of course LS430 means that the car is a Luxury Sedan with a 4.3 liter engine but that’s still lame why not be more inventive. We were listing examples of cars with these letter-number names and I mentioned the Infiniti J30 to which Rachel responded that’s not a real car! I knew for a fact it was a real car because I distinctly remember the commercials from when I was younger. The ad featured a voiceover with a British accent and he spoke in a very affected and eloquent voice to which I impersonated to her. I also knew it was a real car because whenever I would see one I would think how ugly they were and think of the British Accent, “The new J30 available at your local Infiniti Dealer” which resembles a Ford Taurus. I couldn't find the actual commerical I remember with the british guy but this video at least shows you how "elegant and beautiful" the car is.
Anyways every time we spot one, we try to take a picture or a video of it and laugh about how ugly and sad they are. We always use a British accent and add commentary to the photo or video and joke about how it’s our dream car. I saw one the other day and it gave me a great idea. I want to make a website called ilovej30s.com. A place where people could post pics, vids and blog and talk about the greatest car ever made - the J30!
It’s not as cool as my other million dollar idea the EverKool® Pillow – a pillow that would stay cool until you fall asleep so you don’t have to flip it over when one side gets too warm. I know it’s something I would enjoy because I hate when it gets all hot especially during the summer. The only problem with the idea is figuring out a practical cooling source and a way to keep it cool without making your neck and head wet. Hopefully, one day I’ll figure out how to make it become a reality.
My other recent million dollar idea was to capitalize on the recent surge in self-serve soft serve frozen yogurt places like Yogurtland, TuttiFrutti, Pinkberry and others like them except mine would be self-serve ice cream. Similar to those places, you could scoop your own ice cream and add your own mix-ins but I think technically it’s the same as Cold Stone Ice Cream except they have someone make it for you. My version would have to have more flavors at least 31 or so like Baskin Robbins. Ok, so maybe it’s no exactly original or even good but I would go to a place like that!!
It’s not as cool as my other million dollar idea the EverKool® Pillow – a pillow that would stay cool until you fall asleep so you don’t have to flip it over when one side gets too warm. I know it’s something I would enjoy because I hate when it gets all hot especially during the summer. The only problem with the idea is figuring out a practical cooling source and a way to keep it cool without making your neck and head wet. Hopefully, one day I’ll figure out how to make it become a reality.
My other recent million dollar idea was to capitalize on the recent surge in self-serve soft serve frozen yogurt places like Yogurtland, TuttiFrutti, Pinkberry and others like them except mine would be self-serve ice cream. Similar to those places, you could scoop your own ice cream and add your own mix-ins but I think technically it’s the same as Cold Stone Ice Cream except they have someone make it for you. My version would have to have more flavors at least 31 or so like Baskin Robbins. Ok, so maybe it’s no exactly original or even good but I would go to a place like that!!
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Trip to Bellingham: Day 3
On our final day of our vacation to Bellingham, it came time for the main event, the baby blessing. I'm not a very religious person at least not any more... but on the rare occasion I can muster up the courage to sit in on a service, usually for family related activities. I wasn't raised Mormon but have become somewhat familiar with the customs as Rachel's side of the family are Mormon. They're at church for a few hours but Rachel, Liz (her sister) and I only planned to stay for the first hour which is when the baby blessing was to be done. After the ceremony we went back to the hotel to change and then drove up into downtown Bellingham which was really cute and quaint to have some breakfast. We found a diner with a very peculiar waiter helping us. The food was really good and the pancakes were humongous but the guy was continually sniffing during the time that we were there. We were convinced he was definitely high on something but he was a really good waiter despite his peculiar behavior. Afterward, we went back to the hotel to wait for everyone to get back from church. When everyone returned we went over to Michelle's parents hotel to get the party started for the baby blessing. We had to wait in the hall for a bit because they were not there yet and we were locked out of the conference room. Everyone finally arrived and we had pulled pork sandwiches for lunch and played games, including my virginal experience with the game Skip-Bo in which I won the first game, and we had an Easter egg hunt for the kids. Afterwards we went back to hotel to rest and wake up early for our flight in the morning. It was a really good trip and we all had a lot of fun. I'm excited for our next family vacation in August. We are all going on a Mexican cruise!!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Trip to Bellingham: Day 2
The next day we got up early and planned to go on a "hike" on one of the local trails. We all meet up at Eric's house and headed over to the hiking area. For some reason I thought wearing shorts would be a good idea but not so much. I figured after we got going and moving I'd warm up enough and be glad I didn't decide to wear pants but that moment never happened. The trail was in a really pretty area. It ran alongside a creek that was lined with big green bushes and trees. Everything there is really green nothing like here, its very beautiful. At one point, the trail led underneath an old rustic bridge which was really cool. We had planned to walk to a park that was on the trail to meet up with Eric's in-laws and have a picnic in the park. They decided not to go on the hike and decided to be nice go to the store and get food for us for the picnic before we left for our hike. We were following the signs to the park and walked for probably a good hour or so. We finally came to a sign that said the park was .6 miles away so we knew were close. Then when we traveled the .6 miles we saw a sign that said the park was another mile or mile and a half away!! The sign lied to us!! We didn't wanna get to far away from the cars and we were getting pretty hungry and decided to head back to another park that was listed on the post that was back closer to where the cars were. Now I didn't mind the hike at all but I didn't realize how cold it was until we arrived at the park. I was starting to not feel so good by this time. I was hungry, had a headache and was cold and my nipples were hurting so much because it was so cold. We all thought that the Petersons (Eric's in-laws) would have been there already but they didn't end up arriving for another hour!! It tough but we made it. We were all getting a little irritable with the coldness, hunger and it didn't help that the kids thought that screaming at the top of their lungs was a fun thing to do especially inside the pavilion building which made their voices echo and sound that much louder. (We snatched the area to have the picnic inside to get out of the cold.) After realizing that we weren't gonna starve we went back to the hotel to change and go swimming at the pool. I however came back and unintentionally fell asleep. I had been in a funky mood since we finished our walk and when I woke up I felt funny and didn't really wanna do anything. I finally decided to go down to the pool and swim with everyone. It was fun and the pool was heated so that helped. After swimming we met up at the Peterson's hotel to have dinner in the conference room there. They ordered Olive Garden take out (which was lovely) and we had pasta and breadsticks. Rachel had organized a craft for the kids to decorate eggs since we wouldn't be seeing them during Easter. They weren't hard-boiled eggs but were more like color cardboard cut-outs and we painted and decorated some of those. I painted a Easter bunny on the one I made but it wasn't anything fancy. I always like to be artistic. Whenever we have crafting activities, pumpkin carving in particular, I always pick the hardest pattern to do and take the longest. Here's one I did a few years ago.
After dinner, we went back to our hotel and just chilled in our room and watched some TV before going to bed.
After dinner, we went back to our hotel and just chilled in our room and watched some TV before going to bed.
Trip to Bellingham: Day 1
This weekend Rachel and I went to Bellingham, WA. Rachel's brother just had a baby girl and we went up to meet her and go for her baby blessing. We left on Friday morning and had to get up at 4:30am which was something I was not looking forward, but I didn't fight it much when the time actually came. We left out of Long Beach and were on the same flight with her brother Mike and his family. We had planned our trip perfectly because after checking are bags, getting our board passes and going through all the security checkpoints they were in the middle of boarding our flight. We arrived in Seattle around 9:30 and Rachel's parents meet us at the airport. They had rented a van for all of us to share and we planned to spend the day in Seattle before going up to Bellingham which is about 2 hours north of Seattle. We had planned to meet up with Eric and his family (the brother we came to see) and spend the day at the zoo. It was a very cute zoo but the design of it was planned very poorly even the parking lots (plural) were strangely too small to accomodate a decent amout of cars. After we parked and met up with Eric at the entrance their was a slight panic as to where Brian, his oldest son was. We spent about 20 minutes trying to find him but Eric finally found found him. Somehow, he had ended up inside the park. After we had everyone we finally went inside.
Most of us were starving since we had been up since 4:30 and only had airplane food which for me was a sprite and bag of blue kettle chips. We looked at the penguins near the entrance and afterwards went to the food court area to eat. It was very packed at the zoo for a friday. The general consensus for the crowdedness was because it was the first sunny day in the area for a while. I had always heard that it was always dark and rainy in Seattle but I always thought it was just an exaggeration but apparently its the truth. Don't get me wrong its very beautiful but it was very cold and dreary during the majority of the trip.
I really liked that a lot of the animals at zoo were out and about. Usually when I go they're sleeping or in their little caves hiding from the crowds. The gorilla exhibit was especially cool. I didn't know gorillas climbed trees I always thought they stayed on the ground but these ones were up high in there tree/trapeze structure:
There was also this one that was just hanging out and eating right in front of everyone.
I didn't get any other pics of the animals except for this girafee which was cool. I've been having issues with my camera phone and a lot of the pics came out out of focus and blurry so I didn't get as many as I really wanted.There was also a big carousel that the all kids went on which was cute to see them get all excited.
After the zoo we had some issues navigating to get to the freeway to get up to Bellingham. We eventually found our way thanks to modern technology aka our matching EVO smart phones. We rested for a little bit at our hotel and went out to dinner to Red Robin which everyone which was delicious after a long day.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Internationl Gabe Freedom Day 2011
From time to time, I will have days off from both work and school. These have been come to be known as Internationl Gabe Freedom Days and today was just such one day although it wasn't supposed to be. I was scheduled to work 9-6 which is my usual shift on a Monday. I got up like it was a normal day showered got ready and arrived to work on time. I went to the bathroom shortly after arriving and when I came out a slight commotion had begun. Apparently Carlos, the store manager, overscheduled too many workers and had two people coming in at 9 instead of just one. Inside I was very excited but I knew that knowing my luck I'd be the one told to stay and Paulo would be sent home. He quiskly said "I don't mind leaving I have things I need to do anyways". but who doesn't have things to do? The same situation had occured several weeks ago whe Paulo and I were scheduled for the same shift. He was sent home early then so I figured he'd surely get the lucky break again. But the gods were smiling on me today and I got elected to go home. I ran to get my homework and lunch bag and went to my car. Then the question came to my head "Now what I do with my day?"
The first thing I did was text my friend anthony. I been wanting to see him recently because I just don't have much time anymore with work and school taking up the bulk of my time. Unfortunately he didn't respond till later that night. We had been talking about recording some stuff together I figured today would have been a good day to do that. I texted a few other people but either my phone was not working or I pissed a lot of people off because I wasn't get any responses. I decided the first thing to do was get some breakfast. I went to Fantastic Cafe and got a choriz breakfast burrito which was delicious and came home.
The misses finally texted me back and said I should go to Walmart. We had gone shopping the night before and paid for several items that didn't make it home. I didn't have anything else to do so I went. I got inside and went over to the customer service area. There were a couple of people in line that seems to in line for the Western Union so I made my own line on the other side of the rope which turned out to be a big mistake. "There's only one line!!!" the worker yelled at me. SORRY.... I thought and walked to the line. The transaction went fine and went and got my products. I also need a new water jug because my other one fell out of the fridge and cracked on the floor earlier that day before leaving for work. I found an exact replica and went back home.
Still unsatisfied with my day I had epiphany when I went into the bathroom to put away the shampoo and shaving cream from the store. For a while I had been wanting to add some shelf space inside the medicine cabinet. The pegs that hold up the boards were still intact but the shelves themselves had been missing since we moved in. I decided I was gonna go to Home Depot and get some new shelves. So I jumped back into my car and headed out again.
At the Home Depot, I quickly found the wood pieces I needed. I was gonna need them cut so I went to find a worker. That was actually a lot harder than it sounds. I went up and down a few aisles and didn't see anyone. I then went up one aisle and saw a self-serve table with saws and tape measure but there was a guys cutting and measuring some side molding. The pieces I needed werent that huge so I figure I could just so it myself after the guy was done using the station. When he was finished I approached the bench and began to saw the piece. It was much more difficult than I had anticipated. I could not get the piece to lay flat and the saw was not working well for me. I decided to give that up and resume my search for a worker. Finally, a man in an orange apron walked toward. I asked him if I could get some wood cut to which he responded "Yea! Eventually...." Another rude worker in customer service?!?! Impossible. I brushed it off and he helped me cut my wood. When I got home the pieces fit perfectly and I organized my section of the medicine cabinet and was pleased with the results.
I also wanted to share this amazing picture I found online. I think it's pretty self explanatory but I couldn't resist posting it. It just about the coolest thing I think I've ever seen. Enjoy!
The first thing I did was text my friend anthony. I been wanting to see him recently because I just don't have much time anymore with work and school taking up the bulk of my time. Unfortunately he didn't respond till later that night. We had been talking about recording some stuff together I figured today would have been a good day to do that. I texted a few other people but either my phone was not working or I pissed a lot of people off because I wasn't get any responses. I decided the first thing to do was get some breakfast. I went to Fantastic Cafe and got a choriz breakfast burrito which was delicious and came home.
The misses finally texted me back and said I should go to Walmart. We had gone shopping the night before and paid for several items that didn't make it home. I didn't have anything else to do so I went. I got inside and went over to the customer service area. There were a couple of people in line that seems to in line for the Western Union so I made my own line on the other side of the rope which turned out to be a big mistake. "There's only one line!!!" the worker yelled at me. SORRY.... I thought and walked to the line. The transaction went fine and went and got my products. I also need a new water jug because my other one fell out of the fridge and cracked on the floor earlier that day before leaving for work. I found an exact replica and went back home.
Still unsatisfied with my day I had epiphany when I went into the bathroom to put away the shampoo and shaving cream from the store. For a while I had been wanting to add some shelf space inside the medicine cabinet. The pegs that hold up the boards were still intact but the shelves themselves had been missing since we moved in. I decided I was gonna go to Home Depot and get some new shelves. So I jumped back into my car and headed out again.
At the Home Depot, I quickly found the wood pieces I needed. I was gonna need them cut so I went to find a worker. That was actually a lot harder than it sounds. I went up and down a few aisles and didn't see anyone. I then went up one aisle and saw a self-serve table with saws and tape measure but there was a guys cutting and measuring some side molding. The pieces I needed werent that huge so I figure I could just so it myself after the guy was done using the station. When he was finished I approached the bench and began to saw the piece. It was much more difficult than I had anticipated. I could not get the piece to lay flat and the saw was not working well for me. I decided to give that up and resume my search for a worker. Finally, a man in an orange apron walked toward. I asked him if I could get some wood cut to which he responded "Yea! Eventually...." Another rude worker in customer service?!?! Impossible. I brushed it off and he helped me cut my wood. When I got home the pieces fit perfectly and I organized my section of the medicine cabinet and was pleased with the results.
After my handyman phase I had ran out of weird impulsive things to do. I played my guitar for a bit, did some chores and then watched the Hurt Locker on Netflix which I really enjoyed. Before I knew it was already 6 and I started making dinner and Rachel came home. It wasn't the most exciting day but it was nice to get a day off from work and school and just relax and have fun.I also wanted to share this amazing picture I found online. I think it's pretty self explanatory but I couldn't resist posting it. It just about the coolest thing I think I've ever seen. Enjoy!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Sandy Eggo - Part IV - The Final Day: San Diego Safari Park
On our final day in San Diego, we went to the San Diego Safari Park. Before we headed out to the park we wanted to get breakfast. Rachel's sister had told us about this place called Hash House A-Go-Go, a restaurant that was featured on Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives on the Food Network. We decided to go check it out. It wasn't too far from the hotel but when we got there there was a huge line that was out the front door and around the building. We both agreed that we didn't wanna have to wait to go eat, so I suggested we just get on the road and get something on the way there.
We decided to take the Hotel Circle exit and figured there had to be places off the exit to eat since it was near a bunch of hotels. Much to our dismay the only restaurant we found was a steak house which wasn't something we really in the mood for. By this time, we were starting to get a little irritable. When we get hungry and can't agree on a place to eat we tend to get into arguments, this was no exception. After some words were exchanged, we got back on to the freeway and finally decided to just go back to the Denny's by our hotel since we were still relatively close we knew where it was. After breakfast and getting the same exact thing we did the first day, we finally headed toward the Park. On the way off one of the freeway exits, we saw a Denny's that would have been a more practical to stop at since it was closer to the park and was on the way which we thought was pretty funny. When we finally exited the freeway and were about a mile or two from the park we saw something even funnier than that. There were a lot of ostrich farms along the way and in one of the last ostrich pens along the way there were some birds about to get freaky. My weird perverted instinct couldn't resist the temptation and I had to pull over to get a better look. The male spread his wings and started running in place as he tried to mount the female. It looked so funny but unfortunately we weren't able to get a camera out in time. We were busting up though...he was so excited!!! (Sorry no pics)
We finally made it to the Park and the first exhibit we saw had all these pretty and exotic birds. These ones were really unique and pretty :
After that our main priority was getting to the main attraction: the tram ride. I was kind of confused because it didn't seem like they had many attractions. Just a bunch of restaurants spread out, little pond areas with birds and just a bunch of signs pointy to the supposed tram ride. We walked for what seemed like almost an hour to get to the main attraction part of the Park. There was a pretty cool lookout point with elevators that led down to the entrance to the tram ride. This big ugly creature got in the way as I tried to get a shot:
We got in the elevator and the first thing we saw a lion exhibit. Like many zoo exhibits, the animals were sleeping. It was still cool to see the lion so close to where we were.
We continued on the path and arrived at the entrance to the tram ride. It was very packed and we had to wait in the line for about an hour which was okay. There were a lot of interesting people in the line including a moment when a mom lost her child and the kid came running back to kinda where we were. At first she didn't notice anything and the people around us were all concerned and wondering who this kid was. Then his mom finally called for her and from the looks of it she looked like she had 5 other children. It was weird. By the time we got to the front of the line we were kind of both kind of cranky and annoyed. We were kind of over the park and wanted to go home already. We went on the tram ride but left afterwards. Here's some of the shots we got on the tram:
We came home to Anaheim the next day to come back to reality. It was a very nice trip and we had a lot of fun. It seemed like it went by really fast but that's how all vacations seem to me. Next month we go to Washington to see Rachel's brother's new baby girl. That should be fun because I never been to that state before. The only thing I'm sad about is that Rachel won't let me live out my weird fantasy of going the fish market in Seattle and having a worker toss me a fish that I would catch with a newspaper.I'm determined to find a way to get that done. It's not like I want to take it home and keep it. .I just wanna catch it, have a video/photo taken of the event, and then put the fish back and go on with my day. Rachel is concerned that I'll just smell fishy all day because apparently she is unaware of the invention of the shower. I'll guess I'll just have to wait and see.
We decided to take the Hotel Circle exit and figured there had to be places off the exit to eat since it was near a bunch of hotels. Much to our dismay the only restaurant we found was a steak house which wasn't something we really in the mood for. By this time, we were starting to get a little irritable. When we get hungry and can't agree on a place to eat we tend to get into arguments, this was no exception. After some words were exchanged, we got back on to the freeway and finally decided to just go back to the Denny's by our hotel since we were still relatively close we knew where it was. After breakfast and getting the same exact thing we did the first day, we finally headed toward the Park. On the way off one of the freeway exits, we saw a Denny's that would have been a more practical to stop at since it was closer to the park and was on the way which we thought was pretty funny. When we finally exited the freeway and were about a mile or two from the park we saw something even funnier than that. There were a lot of ostrich farms along the way and in one of the last ostrich pens along the way there were some birds about to get freaky. My weird perverted instinct couldn't resist the temptation and I had to pull over to get a better look. The male spread his wings and started running in place as he tried to mount the female. It looked so funny but unfortunately we weren't able to get a camera out in time. We were busting up though...he was so excited!!! (Sorry no pics)
We finally made it to the Park and the first exhibit we saw had all these pretty and exotic birds. These ones were really unique and pretty :
Pretty Birds |
Viewpoint overlooking the Park |
Simba sleeping on his car |
Curious Cheetah |
A "Rhyme" noceros |
Random antelopes or gazelle type creatures (Made up about 80% of the tour) |
This guy was actually not at the park but was grazing in the grasslands that surround the park. |
Giraffes eating the trees |
After the Park, we went to Belmont Park to watch the sunset. We bumped into this older couple on vacation from Tennessee on the beach. They wanted us to take there picture because they weren't sure when they'd ever be out this way again or get to see the beach. Growing up in California my whole life it's weird to think that there's people in the world have never been to the beach. I wonder what that feels like because its something I've always known and taken for granted. Enough with my deep thoughts here are a couple shots from the beach:
Sunset in San Diego |
Artsy shot Rachel took that I thought looked cool. |
Monday, March 7, 2011
Sandy Eggo - Part III - Day 2: The San Diego Zoo
Welcome to the San Diego Zoo |
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Big Lizard |
Rafiki |
Sorry no picture of the boner monkey.....
After that we saw the pandas. They were very strict about not making too much noise or disturbing the pandas. During the whole time, there was a zoo worker talking and giving information and facts about the bears which was quite loud becuase she was on a PA! Which I thought was funny.
After that we went to the Arctic area to see the polar bears. Apparently they had arctic foxes and other arctic animals but we didn't think to check behind the polar bear exhibit so we didn't see them. I did however see a polar bear that was pacing back and forth in the exhibit which looked like he was dancing and took this video of him:
After the dance party, we then headed to the Elephant exhibit.
This cardboard cutout was along the trail in Elephant Odyssey exhibit.
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Dr. Rachel |
Big Gorilla |
The gorilla was really awesome he was very brave and came up right to the glass. Unfortunately, for some reason they didn't have any chimps or bonobos in the exhibit, they're enclosure was empty. I don't know where they went there was no sign or explanation as to where they were.After we saw the gorillas we went to see the cats. We couldn't see the tiger really except for his tail which hanging off a ledge in the upper part of his enclosure where he sleeping. They also had these other cats which were really cute. One of them seemed to really enjoy my company.
We were having an depth discussion about "paw"lotics. |
After the zoo we went back to the hotel to rest for a little bit. My friend had told me about this place called Phil's BBQ which was supposedly really good and was right across the street from where we were staying. We tried going there but there was a huge line wrapped around the building like people were in line to get tickets to Metallica or something. We decided against going there and went to another place that is one of my favorite Mexican restaurant/takeout places, Sombreros.
Happy to be at Sombreros |
After that we went to get an ice cream treat at Cold Stone and went to Mission Beach, another one of my favorite places in San Diego complete with a roller coaster practically right on the beach. We had a nice time just relaxing there and eating our ice cream. The wind was blowing really hard and it was very cold so we didn't end up staying there too long. We headed back to the hotel and called it a night after that. It had been a long day and went to be bed to prepare for our final day in San Diego.
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